National and State Parks

2 National Parks: the east side of Zion, and the south end of Bryce Canyon are within Kane county. 

View from East Rim trail in Zion N.P.

View of Bryce Canyon N.P. looking out onto Kane county 

1 National Recreation area, but it's really big! Glen Canyon National Recreation area also called Lake Powell. 

Flooded canyons of Lake Powell

3 National Monuments: Pipe Spring, Cedar Breaks, and the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments. 

Entrance to Pipe Spring N.P.

Like Bryce but smaller, view looking over Cedar Breaks N.P.

OK, the Grand Staircase is really really big, shown in yellow it covers 2 counties.

1 National Forest: Dixie National Forest.

Dixie National Forest

2 State Parks: Kodachrome Basin State Park, and Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park.

Sandstone arches in Kodachrome state park.

Flowers growing in the sands of the Coral Pink Sand Dunes state park.

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